12th of June, Impact Hub KL hosted the ever energetic crowd that attended “Incitement & Liter of Light’s” collaborated talk on ‘Building things that Matter.’ With around 80+ people bustling, the hub enjoyed an overall enthusiastic festive feeling with lots of networking and name cards exchanges. We were also greeted with Solar Academy and Murfest who had their booths in place ready to engage with great minds.
The same level of enthusiasm continued throughout the evening, as the speakers took over the stage; a big shout out to Ganesh from Saora Industry, a solar paneled water purifier, John from Epic Homes on their community empowering home building projects, and Liter of Light’s Illac Diaz and his light shining projects around the world.
As the session began to end, it was clear that the crowd was truly inspired by the speakers, as they expressed thanks during the speak out session. It was truly a splendid evening, and many thanks to the guest speakers for sharing their amazing experience. A BIG shout out to Incitement for organizing the talk at Impact Hub KL. We look forward to host Incitement’s next edition of talks, here at the Hub.