Happy Earth Day
Inconjuction with Earth Day, we joined millions around the world to celebrate and take action for our environment. With climate change becoming an increasingly alarming issue, it is vital that we help our younger generation to become more conscious of their role, and how to contribute positively.

To celebrate Earth Day, we invited 3 amazing guest speakers.
Session 1: “Our Planet, Our Responsibility”
The interview was hosted by Nur Aishah, featuring Jaafar Wahbeh a DFC Jordan Student Council Member.
Session 2: “Ecoloo, Earth Saver!”
This interview was hosted by Megat, who interviewed Zuraina Zaharin, the Co-Founder of ECOLOO Malaysia.
Session 3: “Love for Earth”
This interview was hosted by Maria, who interviewed Dr Yasmin Rasyid the Founder and President of EcoKnights.
About MY x Change
MY x Change (Malaysian Youth x Change) is a monthly dialogue series led by children and youth, for ALL, on topics and issues young people FEEL deeply about.
The series is curated using the Design For Change FIDS (Feel, Imagine, Do, Share) framework. This interactive dialogue series aims to empower children and youth to publicly speak to adults and peers about what matters to them in a safe online space. Each monthly series will showcase 2 to 3 interviews of 10 minute bit-sized conversations that are filled with valuable insights and information beneficial for any audience watching.
If you would like to collaborate with us on our programmes, do drop us an email at [email protected]